Friday, November 30, 2012

Why Homeowners Insurance Is Necessary For Your Financial Freedom

The second pillar of insurance planning protection that a person needs to secure their financial freedom is homeowners insurance. Following life insurance, you need to have the proper amount of homeowners insurance. With a little bit of homework, you can learn what the replacement cost of your home would be in case of a total loss. This is quite variable from geographic area to area. It is also influenced by the materials in the structure of your house. The amount of improvements and upgrades your home has will play an important role in the coverage you will need. A typical home replacement cost can cost from $175.00 to $200.00 per square foot. Therefore a 2000 sq.ft. home at $200.00 per sq. ft. would need about $400,000.00 of insurance coverage to ensure adequate replacement coverage. If you try to cut corners, a serious loss against your policy could leave your financial freedom in jeopardy so you definitely want proper protection on your home.

The next aspect of coverage that you want to become familiar with are the two parts of a typical Homeowners Policy. The first part is the actual limits of property protection. This includes coverage for the dwelling, the contents of the home, and the loss of use of the home should you have to live off of the premises during a repair. The second part covers you for liability in case someone gets hurt on your property. This section also contains medical payments and the particulars that go along with the liability portion. Once again, it is in your best interest to not cut any corners here.

As is very typical of the insurance industry, homeowners policies, can be bought with several endorsements. These will increase your coverage over the policy limits. Increasing your coverage in case of theft, extended replacement costs and inflation protection are some of the more popular endorsements. If you are just starting out, you might think you do not need any of these extras. The truth is that you should get as much coverage as you can afford. You want to sleep well at night and not worry about any minor matters that could build up over time and attack your financial freedom.

Finally, also understand that a basic policy will have several exclusions for which there will be no coverage. Calamities such as earthquakes, vermin damage, floods, power failures etc. can be addressed with an endorsement if it is appropriate for you to do so. You want to be certain to get enough coverage protection for your home by including these environmental variables or your financial freedom could be ultimately at risk.

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Find The Best iPad Insurance - Three Items To Look For

You have recently purchased your shiny new tablet and are now looking for the best iPad insurance to protect it. Now if you have done any searching yet, you know there are a lot of companies out there offering iPad insurance. You do not want to make a bad decision here. How do you know which one is best?

Insurance can very basically be broken down into three parts cost, coverage, and deductible. Finding the best policy for you will depend on which of these is most important as changing one will affect the others. You will need to find a balance between what you want and what you want to pay.

One of the most important aspects is the coverage provided by the policy. What kind of damage do they cover? How about theft? How about a lost iPad? These are all questions you need to find the answers to for each policy you are considering. I am sure you will find that many of the policies will offer very similar coverage. But it is better to check and be sure than to assume and be surprised later.

While you are looking at the coverage, check to see if the provider will cover you when you travel. Some may limit the amount of time you are covered while traveling or flat out refuse to cover you at all. Again, it is better to know ahead of time.

The second thing you should look at is the amount of the deductible. This can greatly influence how much your premium will be. If you do not know, the deductible is the amount that you are responsible for paying before insurance will kick in. So if your deductible is $100 and the replacement cost is $400, your insurance company will send you a check for $300 or the difference between the actual amount and your deductible.

Some companies will allow you to raise or lower the amount of your deductible. If you are willing to accept a little extra risk by opting for a higher deductible, you will be rewarded with a lower premium. Is it enough to be worth it? That is something you will need to decide for yourself.

The third part is probably the most looked at detail of your insurance policy, the cost. Both of the other items we have talked about will affect this one. Do you want the lowest possible premium you can get? Be prepared to pay a higher deductible if something happens or have less coverage than you would with a policy costing a bit more. This is where the balancing act I spoke of earlier comes out.

So there are the three main points you will need to consider when choosing the best iPad insurance. By finding the policy that provides the best coverage and the lowest deductible for the price you want to pay, you find the insurance that is best for you.

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Protect Your Property With Insurance

You likely worked hard to pay for your personal property and you want to protect it in any way you can. Property insurance provides the protection you need against possible risks to your personal property. It can protect you from risks such as theft, weather, fire, and many others. Most property insurance plans will limit the coverage only to risks that are outlined in the policy. This basic coverage protects you from common risks to your property which in most cases is sufficient. If you feel you need to expand your coverage, you have the option of purchasing additional insurance called add-ons that you can add to your existing policy.

Your home is exposed to so many different elements of weather. Severe weather can impose quite a punishment on your house. With home owner's insurance you will be protected should your home be damaged by severe weather. It can also cover you from unnatural disasters such as fire or theft. Even further, most home insurance plans also cover you for liability risks that may occur to someone while on your property. Liability coverage is designed more to protect you than your property but is a great thing to have should an accident occur to someone while on your personal property.

The type of property insurance that people are most familiar with is auto insurance. This is likely due to the numerous laws imposed by many states that people have sufficient auto insurance coverage. You are not limited to only getting insurance for your car. There are property insurance plans that can cover other types of transportation that you may own such as aircraft insurance, boating insurance, RV insurance, motorcycle insurance, and quite a few others. Purchasing this type of property insurance in most cases will not only cover your property but also give you liability coverage.

A common misconception among people who rent houses or apartments is that the landlord's property insurance will cover the renter's property that is in the house or apartment should disaster strike. This unfortunately is not true. This is why it is suggested that renters take out a renter's insurance policy. Renter's insurance policies protect your personal property that is inside a rented space. Just like with other personal insurance policies, it can protect you from risks such as theft or fire that even renters can be exposed to. You can purchase varying amounts of renter's insurance to cover the overall costs of replacing that property should something happen.

Being faced with a natural disaster or other possible risk is no laughing matter. People who do not carry any type of personal property insurance will suffer a great loss should an accident or natural disaster occurs. Many people tend to scoff at purchasing insurance because it is viewed as an additional expense that is not worth. They unfortunately have it all wrong and can suffer grave consequences if they were to be faced with a situation where their property is lost or damaged.

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3 Burning Questions About iPad 2 Insurance

Surprisingly enough, not many people are aware that they can purchase iPad 2 insurance for their device. As a result, they are putting their iPad at risk of theft, damage and other unforeseen events. They only have themselves to blame if the inevitable happens to their device, and you can avoid going through the same ordeal by protecting yourself with a much needed insurance policy. Here's why you should invest in this vital protection to secure your device right now.

Why Do You Need Insurance?

The fact is, there are a lot of risks to your iPad 2 that you may not have thought about. Perhaps you consider yourself to be someone who is careful with your personal devices, so why would you spend on iPad 2 insurance? Well firstly, it may not be due to your own personal negligence that your device gets stolen. Someone may break into your home or your car and just make off with your iPad just like that. You could be walking on the street and someone might just snatch your bag and you'll have lost your device. Whatever happens, you need an insurance policy to be sure that you won't have to pay out through the nose to replace it.

How Does iPad 2 Insurance Work?

When you are protected by much needed insurance, your insurer is contracted to replace or repair your iPad if it is lost, stolen or damaged. In exchange, you pay a monthly premium for the duration of your insurance policy, and an excess fee when you make a claim. Typically, to prevent abuse of the system, you are only allowed to claim on your policy twice in a calendar year. This was introduced after people started to "lose" their iPads to cash in on their policy while actually selling off their iPad to someone else. Compared to the replacement cost of your iPad 2 and the benefit of knowing that you are covered for all the aforementioned risks, the premium is peanuts.

Is iPad 2 Insurance Expensive?

A common misconception that many people have is that iPad 2 insurance is expensive. It really isn't, in fact it only costs between four to five pounds a month. The expensive prices that you have encountered are due to the fact that you are insuring through the Apple store, which is essentially a very roundabout way of going about it. The Apple store is the middleman in the equation, acting as an agent for the real insurers and taking a big cut of the profits in the process. If you go directly to the insurer, you can save a lot of money and get a better policy to boot. Insurers like Lloyds TSB and Barclays have excellent policies for you to choose from.

All in all, there's no question that iPad 2 insurance is a must. The only question is, which iPad 2 insurance policy should you choose to protect your expensive new device?

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Why Making Sure You Have The Right Boat Insurance Is Crucial

Boat insurance tends to be a specialist insurance, with some of the bigger niche insurance companies just dealing with boat insurance on a full time basis.

Boat insurance is suitable if you have any of the following water based vessels:

• Yacht's • Canal Boat's • Narrowboat's • Dinghy's • Canoe's • Kayak's

A bit like car insurance or motorbike insurance, boat insurance is crucial if you regularly use your boat for personal or business reasons.

This type of insurance will usually cover you against accidents, damage, theft and some other types of problems that you could encounter with your boat, which when you take into account how much a boat is going to set you back in terms of cost, is a small price to pay to protect yourself against any possibilities that could cause you financial pain.

When trying to find a suitable policy for your boat, you need to know a little about the vessel, including how much it is worth, make and model so that you can get the best possible and also most suitable quote. If you do not give the correct information then you can find yourself in a bit of trouble should you need to claim on the insurance or if the insurance is ever checked by the authorities.

Most of the basic boat insurance policies will cover you against theft, accident and damage, but you can also get legal protection, personal accident cover and European and worldwide cover with the more advanced polices, which can often be purchased from the more niche and specialised insurance companies that just deal with maritime insurance needs.

As with any vehicle insurance, making sure that you have the correct cover is crucial for your peace of mind. If you do not have the correct cover then should you need to make a claim, you will probably find that the insurance company will not pay out and you will then be left with quite a large hole in your pocket and possibly in your boat!

When looking for boat insurance you can use the more traditional telephone or broker route, or you can often find specific boat insurance comparison websites by looking online. By requesting a quote online, you will only have to enter this information once and yet will be presented with a range of quotes for you to choose from, which means the days of phoning around and repeating the same old details to many different insurers could be well over!

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iPhone 4S Insurance - What You Will Be Protected Against?

The iPhone 4S is the latest in the line of Apple iPhones. The developers at Apple were saying that it is a very fast phone capable of completing tasks faster than ever before. As you might suspect, the price for such a phone is also pretty high. That is why some people are considering iPhone 4S insurance. Should they do it, or insuring something like a phone is not really necessary?

Insuring phones was not an issue a few years back. But there is a very good reason for this. Phones back then were not really that expensive, so you could easily replace it. But with the new line of smart phones that come out every year, you kind of think twice before buying one. Pretty much because they cost a lot.

The troubles associated with having a phone have always been the same. But again, with the phones today, those troubles are even more serious simply because of the value of the phones, especially the iPhone from Apple. So here are just a few of the things that could happen to your iPhone 4S.

1. Dropping the phone on the ground is very common. If you ever held an iPhone in your hand, you could see that it is very big and kind of slippery. With the iPhone 4S they did some improvements there because they made it more rough around the edges. But still, if you have a habit of texting while walking, you can easily drop it on the ground. Especially if you have smaller hands.

The fact that the phone is so thin also makes it quite common to sit on it. You don't feel it in your back pocket and sit down. Even though they are quite sturdy, such accidents will still damage them.

2. Losing the phone is another issue. The iPhone doesn't have any characteristics that make losing it easier, it just happens. But with this, it's not like losing a pen or some gloves. It is a very expensive phone that you will have to pull money out of your pocket to buy it again.

3. And last, but not least, theft. The iPhone is a very easy and lucrative target for a thief. Due to its shape and smooth casing, it can be easily taken from a pocket without the owner feeling anything. I say it is lucrative because they sell very fast. When someone finds an iPhone, especially the 4S, for a very low price, he doesn't care where it is from.

Now you are thinking that you don't need to get an iPhone 4S insurance because these things will never happen to you. You are always very careful and always take measures so that something like that can't happen. While that might be true, you still have to consider this possibility.

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Going Away For Christmas? Check Your Insurance Policy

If you are thinking of going away for a long period of time over the Christmas and New Year break then you might want to check your property insurance. Some insurers only cover you for a set period of time and will require you to opt for unoccupied property insurance to cover the period you are away. Unoccupied property insurance covers you against theft and malicious damage and also for flooding or fire whilst the property is empty. Some make the mistake for not having unoccupied property insurance and only realise after the damage is already done. It is normal to think that you will only be away for a while, what could possibly go wrong? However it is better to be safe otherwise all that effort and money spent on your property will go down the drain. There are a number of risks for not having this type of insurance. These are outlined below.

Let's first look at the risk of theft. Thieves are opportunists and the Christmas period is one of the busiest for these criminals. They know that houses are most likely to have presents and expensive items available ready for the taking. Whether you're away for two weeks or two months you should always ensure your home insurance is covering you during that time. Inadequate home insurance will invalidate any claim you put through. Find out more about unoccupied property insurance and whether you need to arrange additional cover.

During the winter months your home is at more risk of flooding due to burst and frozen pipes. Burst pipes are a huge cause of major flooding in the UK and it's best to ensure your home is protected against this kind of damage too. Imagine coming home to a home 3 foot deep in water and all of your furniture, flooring and possessions destroyed. Lagging pipes and ensuring adequate insulation in your loft can help to prevent this type of devastation. Unoccupied property insurance gives you total peace of mind that your property is protected.

If you are planning a Christmas or New Year break and you want to find out more about unoccupied property insurance there are many companies offering this type of service. They will be able to give you expert advice on the level of require best suited to your needs and give you a cost effective quote over the phone.

Don't ruin your Christmas by not arranging adequate cover. You can arrange temporary cover whilst you are away and won't ever have the worry of an invalidated insurance claim should the unthinkable occur.

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How This Collector's $300 Mistake Cost Him Thousands

An acquaintance of mine recently came home to the sad shocking surprise that he had been burglarized. Not only was he shocked to walk into his house to see the damage that was done, but he was devastated when he realized that his collection of firearms was stolen. He had spent countless years, dollars and hours to collect and take care of these firearms, many of which were family heirlooms. To make things worse, he did not have any formal documentation of his firearms so he had no proof of the value of his loss or even of the loss itself. He was left to deal with this emotionally draining experience and struggle to reclaim his stolen property or monies for his loss. It cost him thousands of dollars, time off of work and this was emotionally draining for him and his family.

What my friend now knows is the value of having a formal 3rd party inventory as proof of his collections. If he had the foresight to have this done, he would have been ready to prove to his insurance company what he owned and the value of each item in his collection. It would have been a much more simple process for him and his family.

If you are like most collectors, you overlook this critical and inexpensive step in protecting your assets. And this misstep can cost you thousands.

Consider that according to the 2009 Kentucky State Police crime stats, there were over 28,000 burglaries in Kentucky with a total reported value of property losses at $55,991,261.01. Sadly, it seems that theft is lurking close-by, especially if you are a collector.

To protect your collections, start by taking photos of your collections. Store your photos in a safe place other than where you store your collections such as fire-proof safe or safety deposit box. Keep other documentation such as receipts, deeds or appraisals as well. These simple steps will start to protect your collections. To fully protect your collections, have a 3rd party business professionally document, store and track your collections and valuables. The professional inventory documentation from a 3rd party business will help you to maximize your insurance reimbursement, recover financially from your loss quicker and make the entire claims process smoother.

Take a lesson from my friend; A few hundred dollars invested to protect your collection can save you thousands.

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Plan Ahead to Minimize Taxes on Death

Nobody likes to think about their death, but who wants to pay more tax than they have to? With a little planning, you can help minimize the taxes your estate might pay at death.

Leave assets to your spouse

Assets left to a spouse or spousal trust are deemed to be disposed of at the deceased's adjusted cost base (ACB)*, thereby deferring tax until that spouse (or trust) sells the assets, on until the surviving spouse's death.

* Adjusted Cost Base - In simple terms, is the amount of your investment that has already been taxed.

Give assets away

If you actually dispose of assets before your death, your estate will avoid potential tax bill on death. If you have already decided who will receive certain assets, and will not have to use those assets to fund your day-to-day living expenses, you might consider giving those assets away during your lifetime. Giving assets away is generally considered a disposition for tax purposes, and therefore could give rise to a tax bill if the fair market value at the time the asset is gifted is greater than its ACB. As a result, this strategy works best if the assets you're giving away are likely to grow in value in the future.

Choose beneficiaries carefully

To maximize tax deferral, you could leave assets that have appreciated in value to your spouse first, if you can. If you're going to leave assets to others, it's best to consider leaving tax-friendly assets, such as cash, Guaranteed Interest Contracts (GIC's), money market funds or assets that have not greatly appreciated in value.

Make the most of exemptions

The two most common exemptions are: 1. The principle residence exemption which can be used to offset the capital gains on one property you own. This could be your home, but it could also be a cottage or other second property that you ordinarily inhabit (rental properties do not qualify).

2. the enhanced capital gains exemption, which can be used to offset up to $750,000 of capital gains on your shares in certain private companies, a qualifying farm or fishing property.

Give to charity

You can choose to give to charity on your death (usually via your will). Your estate will be able to claim a donation tax credit for the fair market value of the gift on your final tax return.

File multiple tax returns

In the year of death, four tax returns can potentially be filed. A claim can be made for some personal tax credits, such as the basic personal amount, on each of the returns filed, effectively multiplying the number of credits claimed. In addition, your estate benefits from the lower graduated tax rates more than once in the year of death.

Buy life insurance

Once you've done all you can to minimize your tax liability on death, you may want to consider life insurance to assist in funding your estates eventual tax liability. This helps to ensure that your heirs will be left with as much of the estate proceeds as possible, and that your assets will not have to be liquidated in order to pay your estates tax bill.

Ideal candidates for these strategies

The people who will benefit most from these strategies are individuals with assets that will attract taxes on death who want to: - Understand the income tax implications on death related to those assets - Minimize or reduce their estates income tax bill on death and leave more assets to their heirs

Take action

If this applies to you, then: - Identify assets that may present tax planning opportunities - Consider one or more of these strategies to reduce taxes on death - Review your estate plan with a tax or legal advisor

Finally, get advice from a tax professional of you have any questions about how to minimize the taxes your estate might pay at death.

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Why Use A High Value Home Insurance Broker?

Are you one of the many high value home contents or a high value property owners that are frustrated with trying to buy insurance on line from an irritating little mongoose or a fat opera singer and constantly being rejected? If you are and are looking for a much more tailored service then you should be speaking to high value home insurance brokers.

On-line Insurers do not deal well with Home and Property Insurance for High Net Worth or "Private Clients". People with high sums insured need a more individual approach to their Insurance arrangements and high net value home insurance brokers have considerable expertise in dealing with exactly that.

No two high net worth clients have the same situation and they need somebody to help them ensure that they have the cover they need with correct and accurate sums insured with a policy that is specific to the High Net worth market.

So, what should you expect when dealing with high value home insurance brokers?

What makes them so different from other Insurance intermediaries? They take detailed information to understand your specific needs and ensure that you have the correct sums. They assess your individual situation and then they will approach Insurers to obtain quotations for you.

A high net value insurance broker is skilled in selecting the Insurer with the best cover for their client's needs at a competitive price. They present the alternative quote options to the client and explain clearly in order that the client can make an informed decision as to which policy to choose. High value home insurance brokers use their knowledge of the market and will advise and guide the client in decision making.

This is particularly helpful in understanding the way in which claims are handled by each Insurer. Nobody wants to have a claim under a home policy but it is of course what insurance is all about.

High value insurance brokers are very well equipped to deal with and advise on the handling of the claim at every stage of the process. Their key role is to keep the client informed of what is happening and managing their expectations on all matters relating to the claim. If the correct amount of time and effort has been invested originally when arranging the Insurance policy the likelihood of problems occurring are considerably lower. However should a dispute arise it is comforting to know that high value home insurance brokers will always have your best interests at heart and will always act in your interests to ensure a swift and fair claims settlement.

To find an insurance policy that's tailored especially for you and to stop being treated like a nameless, faceless client, speak to a high net worth insurance broker.

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Phone Insurance - What You Need To Know About Claiming A Policy

So, you have iPhone insurance and sadly, you have to claim it. What do you need to do? There are a few steps you need to take in order to receive your new iPhone or to have it repaired, where needed. While some people say that this process is very troublesome, others say that it is not. But in general, the claiming procedure is the same with any iPhone insurance, you might just have good or bad luck. So let us get down to business.

In case your phone was stolen, you must first report it to the police. After that, make sure you notify your service provider so that they can block the phone. After that, you call the insurance company and they will most likely send you a form via e-mail. You will be asked to fill out the form and also give them the report from the police so that they will know for sure it was stolen.


Most, if not all, insurance policies for iPhones do not cover unattended theft. So if your phone was stolen while you were out and left it somewhere, they will not fulfill the claim. Other scenarios are usually covered though.

If you phone suffered accidental damage, including water damage with some companies, you will do the same. Call the insurance company and fill out a form. An insurer will then have a look at the phone and will decide whether it can be repaired or needs to be replaced.

In case you just lost your phone, then you call the insurance firm and do the same thing. They will send you a form via e-mail which you will have to send back via a fax. It usually takes around 48 hours for a claim to be processed, so brace yourself.

There are, and will always be, scenarios where all sorts of troubles appear. For instance, the fax you are sending the claim form to doesn't work. Or the company tries to delay the process for as long as they can. There are also cases where the insurance company will try and give you a different handset than your iPhone.

Make sure that you read the iPhone insurance well before agreeing to it and make sure that the insurer is obligated to replace any fatally broken phone with an equal one, make and model. That way you can avoid cases like that.

I'm not saying that it will be difficult every time, you might be lucky and be done with it really soon. As a word of caution, don't try to scam the insurance company to get a new phone. They can tell when you deliberately damaged your phone and they won't hesitate to refuse the claim. Hope this helped everyone understand how to claim an iPhone insurance policy.

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Buy to Let Insurance Is Essential for Property Investors

It's not uncommon for property investors to overlook the importance of buy to let insurance. There are so many other things that need to be taken care of when preparing to rent out a property that the subject of insurance can often be demoted to the bottom of the 'to do' list.

Investors and landlords must make sure that they are insured from the moment they exchange contracts on a property so that any issues which occur will be covered against loss. It is essential that insurance is in place from the outset to prevent those nightmare scenarios where the costs of repairs can escalate out of control.

Many landlords and investors will simply get standard home insurance for their rental property and whilst it might seem that this is a safe thing to do in reality it is not. Insurance products are designed for specific purposes and by checking the small print you can see for yourself how vast the differences between various types of policy can be.

Imagine a situation in which there was a fire and the property burnt down. The first thing the insurer will do is check the situation at the time of the fire, who was in the property and the relation of these individuals to the landlord or investor. If they find out that the policy holder was not present do you think they will pay out any damages? Of course not, as they will rightly say that the property was not insured for tenants and you would therefore find your policy to be void.

The extra monthly cost of having buy to let insurance in place as opposed to standard home insurance is probably not a great deal in the scale of things. Is that extra cost per month worth the peace of mind that will come with knowing that the property is correctly insured against any loss whilst it is inhabited by tenants. Would it help you sleep at night? Chances are that it will, so if you're not covered at present be sure you make buy to let insurance your next priority.

Finding the right insurance policy is not difficult these days with so many price comparison websites on the internet. If you prefer to speak to a human then call a specialist broker who will be knowledgable about buy to let insurance and will help you get set up and covered.

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Benefits Of Having Landlord Insurance

Why Go For Landlord Insurance?

If you have a property and are willing to rent it out to good clients, you can be sure of earning a handsome amount as monthly rent from your clients. It is very important for you to consider buying landlord insurance before you rent your property along with landlord building insurance. It is very easy for you to think that general let property insurance is more than enough, but a landlord insurance is one that will help you not only in protecting your building, but also your belongings as well as your property apart from safeguarding your monthly income by the way of rents. The accidental damages to your property, lawful account abilities that you need to encounter in case your tenant abuses you and your property and injuries and damages to the construction of the buildings, etc. will all be covered by the landlord insurance. There are also many instances wherein the tenant has made claims to the let property and only a landlord building insurance will be able to save your property and your belongings. There are many advantages of having landlord insurance for your building.

Getting Regular Monthly Rents

There are many instances when a landlord will not be able to collect the rent from his tenant on prefixed dates in the rental agreement. This will put the landlord financial position all jumbled up and nothing can be done by the landlord in such situations is he does not buy to let insurance and landlord insurance. This insurance will cover the rental loss that the landlord suffers up to a certain fixed amount, so that the landlord will be able to meet the need of his and his family member's monthly household expenses. The landlord insurance will make sure that the earnings of the landlord are covered by the insurance policy.

Safeguarding The Property

There is no doubt that once your property is rented out, the tenants will not be taking much care of the building and the properties that you have rented to them. As time passes by, there is bound to be structural and physical damages to the property and its belongings. Most of the tenants will not take much care of the belongings in a rented property and there are many chances for the household items and belongings inside the property to get damaged by the tenant. The landlord insurance and the landlord building insurance will take care of such damages to buildings and property inside the building and will compensate the landlord for the losses. This will help in getting the landlord's property back to its original shape without much hardship or financial burden for the landlord. It is very important for the landlord to pay the premium of the landlord insurance policy promptly in order to get compensation from the insurance company.


It is important for you to buy to let insurance and landlord insurance policies for your to- let property from reputed insurance companies who are well-known in the market and have the experience and expertise to help you out in getting your insurance cover immediately if any untoward situations arise in the property that you have rented out.

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Be Prepared For the Unexpected By Protecting Your Property With Buy To Let Insurance

Protection Of Rented Property

It is very important for a landlord to protect his rented property from getting damaged in order to keep the tenants happy, as well as the landlord who will be getting his monthly income from the tenants in the form of rent. If this is the only source of income for the landlord, then it is very important for him to protect the property to satisfy his tenants. If by any chance your home gets damaged due to external forces or even a theft, then the tenant will not be interested in staying in the home anymore and will want to move out. There will be even more bitter problems for the landlord, if the tenant decides to cancel the buy to let property lease agreement. A buy to let insurance is the only possible solution that will come to the rescue of the landlords in case his property gets damaged and the tenant leaves his property without giving any notice.

What Buy To Let Insurance Provides?

The buy to let property insurance is the best insurance policy that a landlord can think of as it will provide him with the necessary financial support as soon as he faces a loss of income from the property that he has let out for rent. The landlord building insurance is the most popular type of insurance that many property owners buy to safeguard their home as well as lessen their financial burden if in case his property and belongings gets damaged due to external natural threats or even if the tenants suddenly leaves the rented property. The buy to let property insurance or landlord building insurance not only covers what happens to the exterior of the building, but it also covers the interior of the property as well. Any damage to the furniture, furnishings, white good appliances and even the inner constructions of the building will be immediately readied by the insurance company if the property is insured under the landlord insurance policy.

Advantages Of Buy To Let Insurance

The first advantage is that the property owner can heave a big sigh of relief knowing that his property is covered by buy to let insurance and that he need not burn his fingers and pocket if any untoward incidents cause damage to the exterior as well as interior of the building. The landlord building insurance will also cover the public liability and if any outside public gets injured or hurt inside the property, then the insurance company will take care of the needs of the person. You will be having total peace of mind knowing that your property has been covered with landlord building insurance.


So, whenever you are interested in letting your property for rent, it is vital that you get let property insurance in order to keep your monthly income in the form of rent intact as well as protect your property from various damages from external forces.

Full Protection To Landlords Through Let Property Insurance   All That You Needed To Know About Cheap Buy To Let Insurance   Is Your Home Alone?   

iPad Insurance - UK Providers

There are quite a few companies in the UK that provide iPad insurance. However, not all companies offer all kinds of iPad or gadget cover for a reasonable price.

In this post I will put into view three of the most reputable gadget insurance companies in the UK, what they will cover your iPad for, and what would be an average price for a policy. So, if you reside in the UK and you would like to get an insurance policy for your iPad, this post should be helpful.

Protect Your Bubble

Insuring your iPad with Protect Your Bubble, you will benefit from coverage for accidental damage, which also includes water damage and cracked screens. Theft and mechanical breakdown is also insured by this company when it comes to iPads, and the insurance is fully functional worldwide.

In case of a successful claim, your iPad will be replaced within 48 hours. Also, in case you own multiple gadgets, you can insure them all under the same policy and of course, you will benefit from a discount.

One of the beautiful parts of this company is that they accept various types of payment, including PayPal. I only pay my monthly premiums via PayPal.

Unfortunately with PYB you won't benefit from accessory cover. However, most companies that offer this type of coverage consider that a certain accessory is part of your iPad. So, you will only benefit from the insurance for your iPad accessory, if that particular accessory is damaged by the same factor your iPad was damaged by.

For an iPad priced between £500 and £700, price of the monthly premium with PYB iPad insurance is £4.88.

Gadget Cover

With Gadget Cover, you will also be covered for the most important detriments that may happen to your iPad. Theft, accidental damage (including liquid damage), technical breakdown (in case your warranty has expired), and you will also be covered worldwide. To this whole package you can add loss cover, but this will add an extra £1 to your monthly premium.

So, for an iPad between £500 and £700, your monthly premium will be £5.99, or £6.99 if you also opt for loss cover. However you will benefit from a month free of charge.

Insurance 2 Go

With Insurance 2 Go, your iPad will be insured for theft, accidents, water and fire damage, worldwide cover for up to 30 days. They also offer accessory cover for accessories up to £150. Also, in case your iPad is damaged or stolen while in the possession of your immediate family members (over 18), you will also benefit from your insurance.

For an iPad of a similar value as I mentioned above, your monthly premium with Insurance 2 Go should also be somewhere around £5.

Now, take note that I'm not explicitly recommending any of the UK gadget insurance providers here, although I have insured my iPad via Protect Your Bubble. But, in case you would like to find an insurance provider for your iPad or other gadgets, you can start with these three. They all offer pretty good policies for acceptable prices.

Full Protection To Landlords Through Let Property Insurance   All That You Needed To Know About Cheap Buy To Let Insurance   Is Your Home Alone?   

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